Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Travelling for conferences and just for fun!

I recently had the pleasure of travelling to the annual Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association conference in St. John's, Newfoundland. Boy, was that a good time! It was a pleasure to facilitate a session for 7 colleagues motivated to discuss practical ways to support our clients experiencing career transitions, especially immigrant professional clients. I would encourage any counsellor to attend a CCPA Conference, details here: https://www.ccpa-accp.ca/continuing-education/annual-conference/

I have also begun travelling for fun, recently visiting France and the Netherlands, and rather than dealing with buying local SIM cards or paying through the nose through my Canadian provider for a data plan over there (because I didn't need phone or text), I bought a data-only International SIM from KeepGo. I'd recommend it. Follow my link and you get a 15% discount (and I get some bonus data): http://keepgo.refr.cc/WL7H687

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